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of 4: Select Formation Package


£56.99 +VAT

  • Companies House £50.00 Registration Fee
  • People with Significant Control Registration
  • Your Official Company Documents


£125.99 +VAT

  • Companies House £50 Registration Fee
  • People with Significant Control Registration
  • Your Official Company Documents
  • VAT Registration with HMRC
  • Keep Your Home Address Private

How to Start a Limited Company?

Check your company name availability

Quickly verify the availability of your preferred company name and choose a suitable company incorporation package and option.

Fill out our short application in 5min

Complete our straightforward forms, and your company formation application will be electronically submitted to Companies House.

Receive your company registration #

Commence trading within a few hours. Once your Company Registration number is issued, your incorporation documents will be accessible on your online dashboard.

From Starting to Running a Business


Professional Services

We are an authorized formation agent by Companies House. This means we've created our own Secretarial Software, which has received approval from Companies House. Our software securely transmits all your information directly to Companies House.


Fast and Easy Process

To initiate a change in your Limited Company's name, simply furnish us with your director authentication code along with the desired new name for your company.


Lifetime Customer Support

Contact us via phone, email, or chat – we're available to assist you. We offer additional services and support even after your confirmation statement has been submitted.