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File your Confirmation Statement Online in 5min.

Every company registered in the U.K. is legally required to file a confirmation statement annually. Avoid late fees, file online today!

How to Complete your Confirmation Statement?

Submitting your confirmation statement early is advisable to allow ample time in case it encounters any issues or rejections. The simplest method for filing your confirmation statement is through our online platform, where we offer:

1. Search for your company on Companies House register

Locate the company for which you intend to submit the annual Confirmation Statement, and choose the add-ons that best suit your needs. The submission process is entirely conducted online.

2. Fill out our short simplified application in less than 5 min

Ensure that the details registered with Companies House for your business are accurate. To authorize the Accountant Services of this information, you will need to supply your company authentication code. In case you don't have your code readily available, you'll have the option to request its delivery to you.

3. Your Confirmation Statement completed in 3 hrs

Upon confirming and submitting your company details, Companies House typically takes an average of 3 hours to process your application and update the register. You will be notified via email once your filing has been successfully completed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Annually, companies are obligated by law to verify the accuracy of the information held by Companies House in the register regarding the company. This encompasses details such as the company name, registered office address, company director(s), shareholder(s), and Persons of Significant Control (PSCs).

Neglecting to submit the confirmation statement by the stipulated deadline constitutes a criminal offense, potentially leading to personal fines for directors in criminal court. Furthermore, failure to file the confirmation statement poses the risk of the company being removed from the Companies House register.

You are required to submit a confirmation statement at least once every 12 months. It must be filed no later than 14 days following the anniversary of your company’s incorporation.

Absolutely! Companies are mandated by law to submit a single confirmation statement per year. However, you have the option to file your confirmation statement in advance or even more than once annually. Opting for an early submission will initiate a new 12-month ‘review period,’ and your subsequent statement will be due at the conclusion of this period.

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